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Post Info TOPIC: Waxwings (out of county)

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RE: Waxwings (out of county)

35 Waxwing still at Chester Services on the M56 at lunchtime


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Originally posted by Seonaid Beddows today:

Just had my first sight of a flock of waxwings and made my day!
Spotted at Henshall Rd, in the trees opposite Ovenhouse Lane, Bollington.
First sighting was of approx 60 at midday. Still catching a glimpse of smaller groups from the comfort of my lounge (16 or so).


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40 at junction of Phillimore Road and Sheil Road, Liverpool at 8:50 today


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alan patterson wrote:

There are still some Waxwings on the tall silver birch near the post office on the corner of Lindi and Glebe Avenue, Grappenhall, Warrington there were 27 a few minutes ago.

Finished up with 101 waxwings by 3pm

Alan patterson

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19 Waxwings on the wires in Barrow's Green Lane, Widnes still at 10.30am

Building my lifers

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RE: Grappenhall Waxwings

There are still some Waxwings on the tall silver birch near the post office on the corner of Lindi and Glebe Avenue, there were 27 a few minutes ago.

Alan patterson

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RE: Waxwings (out of county)

There were 20 Waxwing in the silver birch in a garden at bottom of Glebe Avenue, Grappenhall at 12.30 when I came back from Stockton heath. They are at the bottom end near the post office . When I got home and looked out from the garden I could not see them. At about 3.45 when I looked out from the back garden they were back in the same silver birch. Shortly after they were joined by more birds. They flew off at 4 pm but returned a few minutes later and now there are 74 birds. They are flying down to feed in one of the gardens.

Alan patterson

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I have just got back in from watching a group of 27 Waxwings in Grappenhall, they were in a birch tree behind the Post Office on Lindi Avenue. There must be a tree with some berries on as they were flying down into a garden and returning with a Berry. I first saw them at 12.10 and they were still in the area a few minutes ago.

Alan patterson

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Ian McKerchar wrote:

No apologies necessary; I never even noticed the header! . The main problem comes with follow on posts which don't have the headers or specific locations and then more and more users (understandably) do likewise and then chaos reigns. I know it seems like I'm a pain in the arse sometimes, a fuss-pot, but I hope you all understand I'm just trying to maintain the standards of this forum which sets us apart from other 'inferior' forums

Hi Ian, I would never describe you as a pain in the arse or a fuss pot Your own words! One of the reasons I like Manchester Birding forum is because you do keep an eye on things to ensure a high standard. I like the way there is room for a bit of humour included in the topics but I like the way you keep an eye out to see they keep to the topic.

Alan patterson

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No apologies necessary; I never even noticed the header! . The main problem comes with follow on posts which don't have the headers or specific locations and then more and more users (understandably) do likewise and then chaos reigns. I know it seems like I'm a pain in the arse sometimes, a fuss-pot, but I hope you all understand I'm just trying to maintain the standards of this forum which sets us apart from other 'inferior' forums


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Where exactly is 'Fryers'? Posts must have at least a general area otherwise it a guessing game I'm afraid

Hi Ian,

Sorry if I have caused some confusion about where Fryers Nursery is but if you look at the posting I did this mornings it is titled "Knutsford Waxwings". I did not have an address or postcode to give a more exact location.



Alan patterson

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Where exactly is 'Fryers'? Posts must have at least a general area otherwise it a guessing game I'm afraid


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Update; went back to Fryers again this afternoon between 2.45pm and 3.30pm with no success but that is not to say they didn't arrive after I had gone ! I may pop back tomorrow after 3.30pm this time just in case and will give you the nod if I see any Waxwings.


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RE: Knutsford waxwings


Yesterday I put out a report of Waxwings seen at Fryers Nursery and put it in the "out of county forum", I never realised there was a seperate Out of County Waxwings Topic.

I am putting the latest update in the correct place as " Big Brother is Watching" This is an update from Hazel who visited the nursery this morning

No sign of the Waxwings this morning (Friday 15th Jan) so will try again mid afternoon onwards; according to one of the staff there were around 50 there last Wednesday week and they always arrive after 2.30pm and stay until dusk - if only we'd all known !! Will update again if I manage to spot them later. Cheers :)

Alan patterson

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Waxwings (out of county)

Fryers Garden Centre is on Manchester Road, Knutsford, on the Northern side of Knutsford heading towards Warrington Road, Mere :) ps. sorry Ian, I was only following on from the initial mention of Fryers on Alans thread.

-- Edited by Hazel Rothwell on Friday 15th of February 2013 08:26:41 PM


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8 in New Mills today on High Lea Road heading towards the Fox At Brookbottom. They were trilling on a wire by Brow Farm then had a drink from a gutter before flying along the lane


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I've just seen around 20 Waxwings feeding on the High Street (Hough Lane..) in Leyland, Lancashire.... I'm very excited as this is a 1st for me... They where on the 'red berry' bush right outside the post office. I think they'll be back as there are loads of berrys left.




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19 Waxwings in our back garden this morning, St Marys Rd, Penketh Warrington.

I've also put this on the Penketh thread .


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Went over to Liverpool yesterday (24th) to see the waxwings on Townsend Avenue in Norris Green, amazing sight of over 120 in one of the tall trees at the side of this long road. A single mistle thrush was guarding one of the smaller trees in the middle of the road and was doing a great job of protecting his tree. I'm not sure why the waxwings wanted the berries in that one small tree as there are a lot of trees with berries along the central reservation. Worth the trip over to watch the waxwings battling with the "on guard" thrush.

Neil Collier

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Late this afternoon:

At Bodelwyddan opposite the ''Marble Church'' (across the A55)......6 Waxwings in tree.
See today's post for North Wales.




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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9 at junction of Leeds St and Scotland Road, Central Liverpool at 1.10pm today. Plenty of berries left.


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Single bird made a couple of visits to my sister's front garden in Maghull at about 8 a.m.

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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18/12/2012 - 2 Waxwings still present along Gravel Lane, Wilmslow.


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150+ (c150 take your pick!) adjacent to Meadowhall, Sheffield on A6109 Meadowhall Road near Topps Tiles at 1345hrs


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Single Waxwing seen this afternoon, feeding on hawthorn berries( I think), near entrance to main hide at Anglers Country Park,nr. Wakefield, W.Yorks.
Could hear more in the area,but not located.

Cheers Chris


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Originally posted by Kevin Forde today:

Flock of waxwings at the entrance to Wrexham Industrial Estate. Junction of Abenbury Way and Bryn Lane. Solitary Mistle Thrush holding it's all against them.


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04/12/2012 - 8 Waxwings off Gravel Lane, Wilmslow this afternoon.


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This morning 15 Waxwings in Northwich, Cheshire, by the Northwich Tip accessed off the road down to Witton Mill car park (the one for Neumann's Flash!).


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6 on Andover Road Haydock 1pm, the Costco approach road


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12 this morning at milner st warrington,but few berries left



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18 waxwings over Boston av castlerise Runcon 12.33pm heading north east


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78 waxwings at Milner st at 11.45 but flying around a lot ,flying over to the hospital and the trees by the school opposite the Kia Garage,very few berries left along the VW Garage and no oppotunity now for decent pictures in that area until next year,so anyone visiting for pics try elseware I would say :)



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Popping this in this thread as well as in a post on the Desert Wheatear as relevant to both!!

Found a new group of Waxwings today on the way home along the N.Wales coast. Checked with RBA & hadn't been reported in this location before. 20 Waxwings in Flintshire, 1.5mls NW of Flint at Bagillt on Station Road in tall trees by AdHoc Conservatories on a mini industrial estate, this was at 12.15pm & at grid ref SJ221755


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Approx 60 waxwing at milner st this morning



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Only 8 feeding early this morning on the north side ofthe VW Garage Milner st Warrington



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No problem Phil, I never thought there was and my post wasn't directed at you alone either as there are now several location unspecific posts within the thread


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There was no intention to not be specific on the location in my post, it was purely an error.



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Originally posted by John Conway:

Waxwings Birkenhead, 12.00 24/11/12:

70 near entrance to Mersey tunnel at Hamilton Street.


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As this out of county thread covers a very large geographical area, could we please make our posts more specific to a location everyone (Warrington, Knutsford, Lancaster etc).


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34 present this morning at 08:00. Flighty and disappeared c08:30. 2 still flying around and landing at bottom end of Haig Road.



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Parkgate Ind Est,Knutsford,30ish Waxwings still present this afternoon,drinking from the puddles in the concrete road near the grove then onto berry trees opposite Valve Tec,no worries about the berry stocks there,s loads on some tree,s that I hadn,t noticed

cheers geoff



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Was that you I spoke to this morning ian?they came back and were feeding next to the path.also brambling over and peregrine over cockhedge on the way home.


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26 Waxwings in the Sycamore trees on the railway bank by the bridge over Froghall Lane this morning around 09:30hrs


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86 waxwings present in tree opposite KIA motors then relocated to trees near the school at which point a sparrowhawk went through and sent them off towards crossfields island(Milner street area).

-- Edited by chrisdorney on Friday 23rd of November 2012 09:06:56 AM


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Parkgate Ind Es Knutsford, 30 Waxwings still showing off in front of Oliver Valves,although the berry stocks are dwindling.

cheers geoff



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Anyone thinking of going to Milner st warrington
There is at least enough berries in the area to last another week around the vw garage on milner street.Don't assume if you get there and theres none that they have gone,on sat and sunday they dissapeared for over an hour a couple of times.don't assume because they haven't been posted they are not there,I was on my own most of friday afternoon with them all round me

John thanks for this sensible advice - when I got to Milner St at 11.30 this am as the rain was easing off, there was no sign of any Waxwings, and I picked up your posting on my smartphone which encouraged me to stay around the area. Driving about a bit I identified a small flock of what I thought must be waxwings in the air over nearer the Wolves stadium, flying towards Milner St and it was when I went back there that 50-60 were in the B&Q tree. I don't think I'd have had the sense to hang about if you hadn't posted this.
Being so close to the main B&Q entrance they were creating quite a lot of interest from passers by - at one point I was loaning out my bins and pretending to be erudite haha! Wonderful birds to "show off" to people though - 'cos they look so exotic.

Just need to go down there again in better photographic light - though some of my pics are not bad. I guess the berries have a few more days to last yet - quite a number of Mistle Thrushes about though too, having their turn.



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Nineteen at the junction of Harpers Lane / Eaves Lane / Botany Brow, Chorley at 3.00 pm, feeding on a couple of Rowans. Not much more than a days supply for that number, so perhaps next stop Horwich!


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RE: Waxwings

58 waxwings milner st tall tree outside b and q and flying about quite a lot. Poorish light but great views! Lifer for me brilliant to see them.


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They were there at 9am Paul and again as I drove past. ( 2pm) This morning they were feeding on the small berry trees facing the main rd.
Opposite the car park to the Guardian Medical Centre. Looks like they are the next trees to be stripped.
Nice one on the lifer:

-- Edited by Vivien Finn on Wednesday 21st of November 2012 03:02:53 PM

-- Edited by Vivien Finn on Wednesday 21st of November 2012 03:05:18 PM

V Finn

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Anyone thinking of going to Milner st warrington
There is at least enough berries in the area to last another week around the vw garage on milner street.Don't assume if you get there and theres none that they have gone,on sat and sunday they dissapeared for over an hour a couple of times.don't assume because they haven't been posted they are not there,I was on my own most of friday afternoon with them all round me
I have worked out over the weekend the pattern seems to be feeding heavily 10-11am and 2-3pm in between they are erratic and fly off to bank park,you have to be willing to do a few hours to guarentee seeing them well-there are loads of berries about half a mile east beyond the big rounderbout on the north side of the a57,my guess is they will be there next as quite a few went that way a few times yesterday



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